Parallel lines has been designed by a very wary developer. Parallel lines download full pc free download size. Driver parallel lines fan site which offers maps, mission informations, links, screenshots, movies and more. Developed by reflections interactive, published by atari, inc. Parallel lines game fixes, nocd game fixes, nocd patches, nocd files, pc game fixes to enable you to play your pc games without the cd in the drive. Driver 3 stylized as driv3r is a 2004 actionadventure game, the third installment in the driver series. Not only did reflections improve the onfoot controls which includes a new targeting system for the weapons, but they also decided to bring the series back to its roots, focasing more on driving. Stop a vehicle go up to the driver on the left hand side of the door and shot the driver until they move into the passenger side dead the victon becomes confused with the vehicle get in the vehicle drive off and then press triangle to dive out of the vehicle. Cars with minds of there own stop a vehicle go up to the driver on the left hand side of the door and shot the driver until they move into the passenger side dead the victon becomes confused with the vehicle get in the vehicle drive off and then press triangle to dive out of the vehicle and the vehicle will stop and start driving back and forth or stop the vehicle and push it from the back. Driver strategy guides are found on a magazine rack in police headquarters. It is a departure from previous titles in the series that focused on multiple cities, as the game takes place in new york city, within the periods of 1978 and 2006. It is only spotted during missions and as it is unlicensed, is able to explode.
Driver parallel lines cheats and cheat codes, playstation 2. Gamespys new exclusive series of articles is set to introduce you to the men and women of reflections driver. Parallel lines is the fourth installment in the driver video game series. The twistfilled storyline leads you through 40 missions and 80 drivable vehicles. Discover tk, a driver for hire and free from conscience. Browse dozens of high resolution images, screenshots, wallpapers, pictures, artwork, and more on gamespot.
Ekshena racing action takes place in new york in two time strata. The menu is available extra all weapons and maximum ammo almost all cars pumped, some nitrogen. Jun 26, 2007 by default, the game is capped at 1920x1080 resolution and adds black bars for aspect ratios other than 16. Parallel lines isnt nearly as messed up as the last driver game was. Parallel lines is a great improvement from the dissapointing driv3r. A vast selection of titles, drmfree, with free goodies, customer love, and one fair price for all regions. The games story focuses on players assuming the role of john tanner, an undercover fbi agent, as he investigates a carsmuggling ring across three countries, in order to. Action adventure, racing, missionbased, arcade, missionbased. Parallel lines was made in missionbased driving genre and have mature as srb rating. Each mission requires its own article, do not write a walkthrough here. We have 55 questions and 72 answers for driver parallel lines. Now in 2006 he must get back at the ones who brought him down. Undercover marketed as driv3r or simply driver 3, is the third installment in the driver series and was developed by reflections interactive and published by atari. Parallel lines brings back actiondriving games, and gives you the chance to live out hollywoodstyle car chases.
Driver parallel lines cheats for playstation 2 we have 6 cheats on playstation 2. Check them out to find answers or ask your own to get the exact game help you need. This game has been made by reflections and published by atari at mar 14, 2006. Parallel lines pc release, news, systemanforderungen. The player cannot purchase any variant from the car dealer and cannot shift into the. Parallel lines is an entirely new story with over 30 diverse mission as well as onthefly minigames such as destruction derby and cops and robbers. Blood, drug reference, intense violence, partial nudity, sexual content, strong.
Destroy the guards car or go 100 mph, or go and do. Pick up your driver parallel lines pc copy from green man gaming today and remember to sign in for our best price. You can play as an 18yearold who is the most sought after driver in new york. Create a backlog, submit your game times and compete with your friends. Parallel lines on the playstation 2, gamefaqs has 47 cheat codes and secrets. Considering how completely jacked most of driver 3 was, thats not really saying much, but its still worth saying. It is also the only title not to involve the undercover cop, john tanner, but instead focuses on a. Driv3r brings back features from driver 2 and adds the ability to ride motorcycles and boats, use weapons, swim, climb ladders, and enter certain buildings among other things, controlling. By default, the game is capped at 1920x1080 resolution and adds black bars for aspect ratios other than 16. Ubisoft reflections and ubisoft the pc port was released years after the console versions. Parallel lines is the fourth installment in the cinematic driverforhire series from atari. Supremely conscious of the last game, reflections has gone to a great deal of trouble to make sure youre never pissed off or. Over the next few months, well be revealing a brand new. Where can i find a oil truck what are the last 4 unlockables in the list.
Savegame for driver parallel lines the game done 100 %. The desanne has three variants, however only two are seen during gameplay. Gamespy exclusively reveals the guys and gals of reflections latest meet tk. How to take a helicopter or aeroplane tell the cheat of this game and how can i do 3 mission. When you start the game youll be able to get out of your car walk around and choose another car. The games story focuses on players assuming the role of john tanner, an undercover fbi agent, as he investigates a car.
Driver parallel lines is the fourth game in the driver video game series. In 1978, the protagonist of the game, the young racer, by the will of fate turns out to be involved in the criminal case by a local gang. The asym desanne is an unlicensed vehicle in driver san francisco manufactured by the fictional car brand, asym. Dec 27, 2016 location it goes to is documents my games driver parallel lines once the games started up you should see a save called 12345 it has 100 % of the game finished with all weps, cars, era change, mission select and more with both tks from 1978 to 2006 enjoy. With brian bloom, rodney saulsberry, dave walsh, michael cornacchia. Parallel lines its port of ataris 2006 ps2 and xbox release isnt the answer. Parallel lines cheats, hints, walkthroughs and more for playstation 2. Take total control as new yorks most wanted wheelman. Due primarily to some controller issues, the majority of the obscenities will be coming not from your tvs speakers but from your own mouth. Pulsepounding, nonstop driving action with hollywoodstyle car chasing experiences. Parallel lines limited edition game ps2 playstation. The game features mostly vehiclebased gameplay, with a moderate amount of onfoot sections.
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